10 lb Pork Box, NO BACON Or Cured Items




FREE SHIPPING. This box is due to popular demand of those who do not want cured meat.

A box gets you ~10 lbs of low-PUFA pork, including:

  • up to 2 1-lb packages of ground pork (depends on supply)
  • ~8 lbs of assorted cuts:
    • Chops
    • Shoulder
    • Sirloin
    • Rump Steak

The pork is from heritage berkshire hogs raised in fresh air and sunshine finished on corn and soy free, non-GMO feed.


“The pork we’ve tried so far is fabulous. Better than a lot of steaks around town at restaurants.”  -David

“Brad, just wanted to say that your pork is exceptional. Chops, bacon, all of it. ”  -Sandeep

“I got my pork last Friday. It tastes so different ( better) than conventional pork, and is easier to digest!”  -Linnea

“We received our share a couple of days ago and had pork chops the same day.  Absolutely fantastic flavor!  Mom can’t stop talking about them.”  -Rachel

Here are our fulfillment, return/refund and privacy policies.